Where Do I Even Start?

Your plate is full.

You have kids, work, parents and friends. You have a house to maintain. You might even be going through a major life transition – like a new job, a new baby, or a separation.

You know you need to be taking better care of yourself, but with everything going on – where do you even begin?

Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Get clear about what you want.
    I know, easier said than done. But it’s a crucial first step. If you don’t know what you want instead of what you have right now, you’ll just be stabbing in the dark, trying all the things and hoping you find the right fix.
    Sit down with your journal or schedule a phone call with a friend. Commit to getting a clearer idea of what kind of life, schedule or relationship you want. It may take a few weeks, a few conversations. And you may not feel super confident about what you come up with, but trust me, your inner self knows! Get quiet and listen to what you desire – not what you think is possible.Working with someone who has experience facilitating this process, like a coach, can fast track this process.
  2. Decide which action step will get you the biggest ROI right now.
    ROI = return on investment. We are conditioned to think “bigger is better” and more of ____ is the way to win – in life and in personal growth. Sorry! Not true.
    You’re more likely to reach your goals and create the kind of life you enjoy living if you chose the ONE THING that will make the biggest impact right now and focus on that one thing only.Maybe it’s getting more sleep. Maybe it’s a few hours of alone time. Choose one and focus your efforts on making it happen.
  3. Be honest about what you need, not just what you want.
    You might want to fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans because you think you’ll feel better about yourself when you do, but if you focus your precious energy on working out every day when you’re actually exhausted and depleted, you won’t be doing yourself any favors.
    Be honest about what your body and mind really need right now. More sleep, some help around the house or drinking less alcohol might not feel like it’s enough, but it might be just what you need to fill your bucket and gain the mentally clarity you need to take your next step.
  4. Be patient and make small improvements.
    Sometimes it’s about timing. We have to get through the season of life we’re in before we can make some big changes. That doesn’t mean you can’t get started on taking better care of yourself today, though. We just have to think smaller.
    Go to bed 20 minutes earlier. Drink a cup of water before you dehydrate with coffee. Do 2 minutes of movement for every hour you sit.We think these little things won’t really help, but they do. In fact, it’s the little things that grow into bigger things. Little habits lead to big changes when we are patient and consistent.
  5. Connect with others.
    I can’t stress this enough. We live in a society that reinforces going it alone. It’s in our genes. Many of us are averse to asking for and receiving support.
    Research shows we are actually wired for connection and community. We’re more likely to reach our goals and create the life changes we want when we make them with others.Find your people. Draft off their momentum. Watch how much easier it becomes to change your thinking and your habits when you surround yourself with others who are committed to growing and changing as well.

I hope this gives you some ideas of how to get started taking better care of yourself.

Reach out if you need more support. That’s what I’m here for!
