How to do Family Meetings

September 2, 2020

If you’re like me, chances are you’ve spent more time with your family in the past few months than ever before. Maybe it’s been great,

Where I Stand

June 4, 2020

I want to be perfectly clear. I fully support the #blacklivesmatter movement and the efforts being made by so many people to highlight and dismantle

First of all, let me be clear. I am no expert. I defer to the coaches and leaders who have been doing diversity, equity and

“Are you a teacher?” she asked? “No.” I said. “Hmmm….You should be.” It was 2015. I had just finished treatment for cancer. I was deep

“I haven’t been able to work out because of the kids.” This is what I’ve been telling myself the past few weeks. So much so,

How Easy Can It Be?

May 15, 2020

Stressing out? Ask yourself, “How easy can it be?” I used to over complicate things all the time. The cupcakes I was making for my